
  • I love to make trades. If you have something you feel I may be interested (rare or collector grade) please reach out to me. I cannot guarentee I will accept but you never know.
    For all inquiries please reach out to

    First Name and last Name: John Smith
    Email address:
    Phone Number: 484-447-23**

    Description: Looking to make a trade for the TSA Bill Murray (booger size) I have a GMK zoa (5 heads) and a Warpaint Favia.

    Email to

    Items I AM interested in Items I am NOT interested in
    Vivid Insanity Green Stary Poylp (GSP)
    SBB Claw Machine WWC Niranas
    CB Valhalla
    CB OMG Acro
    TSA Starfire
    SRC Trollsicle
    RRC Bleeding Avengers
    Vivids Badfish
    TSA Trollhair